Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Insoluble and soluble substances from class IV Science

Topic: Soluble and insoluble substances

Lesson objectives
By the end of the lesson, each child will be able to:
  • define soluble and insoluble substance 
  • give examples of soluble and insoluble substances
  • list differences between soluble and insoluble substances.
What is soluble and insoluble substances?
  •  A substance which dissolves in liquid is called soluble substances.
              For example, sugar and salt

  • A substance which does not dissolve in liquid is called insoluble substance.
              For example, flour, sand, and rice

Watch the video lesson and do the activity given below.

Learning Activity: work with your parents or sibling

Direction: By know you who how to make solid-liquid mixture. Follow the steps shown in the video to carry out this experiment and answer the questions.

Procedure to carry out experiment. 
1. You will need :
  • glass container
  • water
  • a small cup
  • spoon
  • flour, sugar and soil
2. Predict how many substances are soluble in water. 
3. Copy Table 1 and record your predictions.
Table 1. Predicting soluble and insoluble substances

Name of the substance












4. Now take a pinch of flour in a glass container and add half a cup water.
5. Stir the mixture with spoon.
6. Similarly, make the mixture  of each substance and water in separate glass containers.
7. Copy  Table 2 and record your observation.

Table 2. Investigating soluble and insoluble substances

Name of the substance












Check your progress
1.How many predictions were correct?
2. Name two other substances that are insoluble in water.
3. What is soluble substance? Give one example.
4.Define insoluble substance.

I used camtesia app to make video tutorial. The first step was to get some ideas by watching few video tutorials from YouTube. I learned the basic to use this app and explored  some of the features of Camtestia from friends and internet. After that I started collecting information from various sources including net and YouTube videos. The information I used are at the level of our class five student since I referred the book and as far as possible I tried to maintain the standard.  Although there were limited information in the textbook, I added some extra notes and pictures. Then I arranged the information and pictures in power point slide.  I made use of attractive backgrounds, pictures and translation to make lesson interesting. Recording video took more time than power point slides because of silly  mistake that I was repeating. At first, editing was easy as I had to just trim some part from the beginning and end and the export. As time pass I realized that I didn't use many of the features available, so I had to get back to editing and used features such as trimming, adding caption, adding new video, highlighting, using animation, adding music and voice over. Since video lesson is for primary students, I used more of pictures, video within video, questioning and made used of intonation to convey lesson and to make it fun.


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