Saturday, April 30, 2022

Preservation and Promotion of culture and tradition from class Vl Social Studies

Topic: Preservation and Promotion of culture and tradition

Lesson Objectives

By the end of this lesson, each child will be able to:
  • explain culture and tradition in their own word
  • discuss ways to preserve and promote our culture and tradition

Every country has its own culture and tradition which are distinct from other countries. Bhutan has its unique culture and tradition. It is important to promote and preserve tradition and culture values so that we know where we belong . It is the identity of the country.

Direction: Click on the link or the power point file. Read the power point slides to know what culture and tradition means. Through power point slides you will get to know some our culture and tradition. You will also know ways to preserve and promote culture and tradition.

Learning Activity 1. Identifying cultural artifacts in different places in Bhutan

1. Draw a large outline map of Bhutan in your book.
2. Draw five cultural artefacts of your interest.
For example, draw Paro dzong

3. Place on the map in the appropriate location.

4. Write short note on:
       a. Where it is found? 
        For example. It is found in Paro Dzongkhag

       b. Why is it important?
        For example. It is important because  the dzongs are used for religious and     administrative purposes. 

      c. What can you do to conserve?
        For example. We can conserve our dzongs by using them for religious purpose.

      d. Is it tangible or intangible?
        For example. It is a tangible because it is visible and concrete object.

How I created this Power point presentation?
I referred class six Social Studies textbook for my contain. There were more of text than pictures in the textbook so to make learning more effective, I made short notes on this topic and even added some extra important information. I used more of pictures, tables, smart charts, bold front and transition to create power point presentation on this topic. The pictures used in the power point slides were mostly googled.



Wednesday, April 20, 2022

Insoluble and soluble substances from class IV Science

Topic: Soluble and insoluble substances

Lesson objectives
By the end of the lesson, each child will be able to:
  • define soluble and insoluble substance 
  • give examples of soluble and insoluble substances
  • list differences between soluble and insoluble substances.
What is soluble and insoluble substances?
  •  A substance which dissolves in liquid is called soluble substances.
              For example, sugar and salt

  • A substance which does not dissolve in liquid is called insoluble substance.
              For example, flour, sand, and rice

Watch the video lesson and do the activity given below.

Learning Activity: work with your parents or sibling

Direction: By know you who how to make solid-liquid mixture. Follow the steps shown in the video to carry out this experiment and answer the questions.

Procedure to carry out experiment. 
1. You will need :
  • glass container
  • water
  • a small cup
  • spoon
  • flour, sugar and soil
2. Predict how many substances are soluble in water. 
3. Copy Table 1 and record your predictions.
Table 1. Predicting soluble and insoluble substances

Name of the substance












4. Now take a pinch of flour in a glass container and add half a cup water.
5. Stir the mixture with spoon.
6. Similarly, make the mixture  of each substance and water in separate glass containers.
7. Copy  Table 2 and record your observation.

Table 2. Investigating soluble and insoluble substances

Name of the substance












Check your progress
1.How many predictions were correct?
2. Name two other substances that are insoluble in water.
3. What is soluble substance? Give one example.
4.Define insoluble substance.

I used camtesia app to make video tutorial. The first step was to get some ideas by watching few video tutorials from YouTube. I learned the basic to use this app and explored  some of the features of Camtestia from friends and internet. After that I started collecting information from various sources including net and YouTube videos. The information I used are at the level of our class five student since I referred the book and as far as possible I tried to maintain the standard.  Although there were limited information in the textbook, I added some extra notes and pictures. Then I arranged the information and pictures in power point slide.  I made use of attractive backgrounds, pictures and translation to make lesson interesting. Recording video took more time than power point slides because of silly  mistake that I was repeating. At first, editing was easy as I had to just trim some part from the beginning and end and the export. As time pass I realized that I didn't use many of the features available, so I had to get back to editing and used features such as trimming, adding caption, adding new video, highlighting, using animation, adding music and voice over. Since video lesson is for primary students, I used more of pictures, video within video, questioning and made used of intonation to convey lesson and to make it fun.


Tuesday, April 12, 2022

Fractions as Parts of Single Shapes from class III mathematics

Topic: Fractions as Parts of Single Shapes For Class III

A fraction is a number that represents part of whole. For a fraction to represent a part of whole, the whole has to be divided into a certain numbers of equal sizes. The whole can be either a single or object, or a set or group.

 Figure. 1whole divided into three equal parts.

Watch the video lesson on "Fractions as Parts of Single Shapes" to carry out the activity given below.

 After watching the video:
  1. Go to 'Google classroom' using the link given below
  2. Read the material on 'Fraction as Parts of Single Shapes'
  3. Practice Example 1 question present in the reading material
  4. And watch the video on fraction.
  5. When you are done watching the video lesson and reading notes. 
  6. Carry out the activity given below.

Learning Activity: Individual work 

Direction: After watching the video lesson and going through all the material given in google classroom, carry out this activity. Copy the questions and write answers in your notebook.

For the video lesson I have used Camtesia softwaare and Capcut.  First I started collecting information and related pictures from the textbook and internet. Some of the pictures used are created using shapes. After that, I have arranged the information in sequence and created a power point slides with transitions. Main purpose of adding transition was to maintain curiosity of the viewers, I didn’t want to show all the information in my slide at one go. Then I used Camtesia to run by power point slides. This app helped me convert my power point slides into video form. I used the video and recorded voice using Capcut. The tools available on Capcut made it easier to add music, transition,  and caption for the video lesson. For the activity sheet, I used Microsoft word and converted the word file into picture. I referred math textbook and picked few questions. Since the activity part in the textbook wasn't attractive I used background color and colorful diagram for the students.


Descriptive Essay from Class V English

United 6- Theme: We are all related There are many cultures around the world. In every country and on every continent people live out their ...