Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Chapter 4. Separating mixture from class IV Science

Chapter 4. Separating Mixture

Watch the short promotional video to know about what you will learn through the google classroom.

To get hands on the google classroom visit the link given below or use the class code. 

OR Class code: nzbfyfp

I started by creating a class in google classroom. I have choose chapter 4 'Separating Mixtures' from class IV Science. I have made an announcement in written form and even made promotional video to let students know what they will learn through this platform. Promotional video presents the summary of the whole learning process that will take place through google classroom. The video was first recorded in the phone. Later, I used KineMaster to edit. The features in the KineMaster allow us to add caption, text, pictures, music, transition and layering so I used  many of them while making this video.

The chapter contains 3 Sub-topics, each sub-topic has a reading materials in the form of pdf file, video and a web link. The pdf file contain the textbook reading material which I downloaded from REC and converted them pdf. The video are mostly used from YouTube and same goes with the web link. While choosing the video I made sure that it is at their level and more related to the textbook content. I made it easier for the students to assess the materials by arranging them in sequence under each topic. Students are assigned assignments under each of the topic with due date mentioned and few of them have marking criteria.  

For the topic 'Sedimentation and decantation' I created quiz using google form. The quiz questions are made using five different questionnaire form. The questions have picture and video used. While attempting the quiz, students will receive feedbacks for both correct and wrong answers. The feedback are clearly elaborated, it not only has reinforcement used such as "Good job, Excellent..,". Students will know the reasons for right and wrong answers. Few of the feedbacks even contain extra reading material or video to enhance their knowledge.

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